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n 1953, Eisenhower created the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) to administer federal programs related to public health, schools, and welfare programs. He also signed into law changes to the Social Security system - payments to older Americans were increased and farmers were brought into the system. He supported an increase in the minimum wage, though he spent less money on the public housing program begun under Truman. Another major accomplishment of Eisenhower's presidency was the beginning of the national highway system, which millions of Americans still use every day. In 1953, Eisenhower named California governor Earl Warren as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. A more liberal Republican, Warren led the Court to many important decisions that moved the country in a progressive direction.

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Q: What federal programs and achievements did Eisenhower get credit for as president?
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What federal programs and achievements did eisenhower get for as president?

n 1953, Eisenhower created the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) to administer federal programs related to public health, schools, and welfare programs. He also signed into law changes to the Social Security system - payments to older Americans were increased and farmers were brought into the system. He supported an increase in the minimum wage, though he spent less money on the public housing program begun under Truman. Another major accomplishment of Eisenhower's presidency was the beginning of the national highway system, which millions of Americans still use every day. In 1953, Eisenhower named California governor Earl Warren as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. A more liberal Republican, Warren led the Court to many important decisions that moved the country in a progressive direction.

In 1957 president eisenhower used federal troops in Little Rock Arkansas to?

integrate the public schools

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Little Rock, Arkansas

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To enforce integration of the high school there

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Little Rock, Arkansas

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It was renamed Veterans Day by President Eisenhower in 1954. President Wilson proclaimed November 11th as Armistice Day in 1919. Congress made it a Federal Holiday in 1938.