An embrasure is a hole in a defensive wall, through which defenders may fire at attackers. Crenelations are often seen on castle walls. They are the alternating square low spots through which an archer could fire, then duck back beside behind the wall. If you look at the US Army Engineers insignia, there are crenelations on top of the towers of the castle.
The term embrasure, in military architecture, refers to the opening in a crenellation or battlement between the two raised solid portions or Merlons, sometimes called a crenel or crenelle.
A crenel and merlon is on the top of many castles it goes up down up down etc. like this _i-l_l-l_ but the other way up. They are good because a soldier an hide behind the merlon and then fire out the crenel. the crenel is the down part and merlon the up!
The archaic word for "window" is "embrasure." Technically, the word "embrasure" could be used for a window or the opening for a door.
The area between the lips and teeth is the oral vestibule.vestibule
The Grip Ring is located on Mt. Crenel. Knock out a Buissness Scrub in a cave on Mt. Crenel and he will sell you the Grip Ring for 40 rupees. The Grip Ring is needed for Link to be able to climb up Crenel Wall. It can also be used on the far right of Mt. Crenel to climb up and down the shortcut. Link also uses it on Veil Falls.
um i think irt s bad health
It is crenel stone.
One good way to improve your tone on the trumpet is to ensure that your embrasure is good.