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George Washington is currently the only president to have been elected without any official endorsement by a political party. Generally speaking, Washington's policies reflected a moderate Federalist agenda. He governed for 8 years in total.

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what party did george washington associate with?

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George Washington was a "Federalist," although in his time, there weren't clear-cut political parties. Washington himself was set against any divisions brought on by political parties.

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Washington wasn't affiliated with any political party; he actually believed that the existence of political parties would tear the country apart.

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George Washington was a "Federalist"

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Q: What party affiliation was George Washington?
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George Washington was the only U.S. president without a party affiliation.

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Although the Federalist Party often gets the credit, George Washington did not declare any party affiliation for that election.

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George Washington. During Washington's two terms the Federalist and Republican (not the current Republican) parties were formed. John Adams was the first (and only) Federalist President, and Jefferson was the first Republican President.

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John Tyler. He started out as a Whig, but was kicked out of the party when he vetoed the banking bill. The description also applied to Andrew Johnson, who was only a Republican for 4 years when he was vice-president and president, but was a Democrat before and after.

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What was George Washington's politial affiliation?

Washington didn't have a political party. In fact, he didn't believe in them and warned that they would take over the political process and not serve the common good of the people. I think he has been proven right.

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