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Well Ronald Reagan was an actor before a president. But that is only one of the jobs he had before being a president.

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Q: What was Ronald reagon occupation before he became president?
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Which presidemt's former occupation was acting?

Before being elected president, Ronald Reagan was a Hollywood actor.

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What president was a famous actor in Hollywood before he became president?

Ronald Reagan after he was a professional movie and TV actor.

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Ronald Reagan had a long career as a movie actor before he was president.

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Yes he was an vice presidant dat answers yall fckin ?

Which president was a movie actor before moving into the white house?

Ronald Reagan, but he'd been retired from acting for a few years before he became President.

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His first inauguration was 2½ weeks before his 70th birthday.

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Reagan married twice , both times many years before he became president.

What was Ronald reagen like before president?

Before becoming President, Ronald Reagan was an Actor of repute by profession.