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the gulf of Tonkin Resolution

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The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

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Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

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Q: Which act authorized President Johnson to send US combat troops into South Vietnam?
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Who was the president when the U.S became actively involved in Vietnam combat?

Lyndon Johnson.

Which president ordered a continuous bombing campaign over North Vietnam and sent the first combat troops to South Vietnam?

Lyndon Johnson :) hope I helped!!!! Have a good day!

How did President Johnson try to stop North Vietnam from helping the guerrillas?

President Johnson implemented a bombing campaign known as Operation Rolling Thunder to try to cripple North Vietnam's military and industrial capabilities. He also attempted to stop North Vietnam from sending supplies and troops to the guerrillas in South Vietnam through a policy called interdiction, which involved targeting supply routes and infiltration routes along the Ho Chi Minh trail. Additionally, he authorized the deployment of ground combat troops to South Vietnam to counter the guerrilla forces.

What was John Kennedy's first act as president to combat communism?

deploy combat troops to vietnam

The us became actively involved in Vietnam combat during the administration of what president?

President obama

The US became actively involved in Vietnam combat during the administration of President Kennedy.?

When Nixon ordered "military trainers" to Vietnam, the U.S. then started to become actively involved in Vietnam combat.

United States President during the Vietnam War?

Several: Dwight D Eisenhower (1952-60) was President when the US first sent military advisors to Vietnam, followed by John F Kennedy (1961-63); Lyndon B Johnson (1963-68), who first sent combat troops; Richard M Nixon (1969-74), who withdrew all combat troops under intense pressure from Congress and the public; and Gerald R Ford (1974-76), who was President when North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam.

Who was the president of the US when the last combat troops left Vietnam?

Richard Nixon

Who was the first president to send American combat soldiers to fight in Vietnam?


Who was the president during the buildup of Vietnam war?

LBJ was the first US president to send conventional combat troops to RVN and the first president to begin openly bombing North Vietnam.

Who was the president of US when the last US combat troops left Vietnam?

Richard Nixon

Who was President of the US when the last U.S. combat troops left Vietnam?

Gerald Ford