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The vice president becomes the new President if the President vacates his office for any reason, including death, resignation, or forced removal via the impeachment process.

Note that the President would remain president after impeachment until and unless the Senate votes to convict. Being impeached is roughly equivalent to when a criminal is indicted or charged with a crime. After that a trial is held and unless they are convicted, nothing happens. Both Andrew Johnson and William Jefferson Clinton were impeached. Neither was convicted by the Senate so they each remained president.

If the Vice President is impeached as well, the Speaker of the House becomes President.

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6y ago
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11y ago

If a president becomes unable to serve, whether through death, severe illness, or impeachment, the vice president would assume the position of president. This is what happened when President Kennedy was assassinated: his vice president, Lyndon Johnson, was sworn in. If Mr. Obama were removed from the presidency (which, although partisans may hope it will occur, is highly unlikely), his vice president, Joe Biden, would be president.

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16y ago

It has to be successful and s/he has to be removed from office, s/he is still president during the proceedings. There has never been a successful impeachment.

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7y ago

The President would still be President and would appoint a new Vice President.

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Autumn Whaley

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4y ago

If the president resigns, dies, or is removed from office, the vice president will take over.

If the president is impeached he is still president unless the senate votes for his to be removed

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13y ago

VP (Vice President)

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12y ago

The Vice President

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6y ago

The Vice President becomes president.

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3y ago

If the Vice President becomes president who becomes Vice President?

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Who takes office when a us president is impeached?

Nobody. A president continues to serve in office when he is impeached. If he is convicted and removed from office, the vice-president becomes president, same as if the president were to die.

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Biden would then nominate someone to be vice-president and if he is confirmed by both houses of Congress he would be the vice-president.

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the reason why is because when the president dies, becomes ill, or is impeached the vice president takes over.

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If a president is convicted of a crime by congress, they are impeached. If congress decides toward it, the president must leave office. However, they can veto it. Two presidents have been impeached. They are Andrew Johnson, and Bill Clinton. Also, Richard Nixon would have been impeached for The Watergate Scandal, but resigned before such happened.

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If the President is impeached and convicted, the Vice President would succeed him. The Vice President would then assume the role of President for the remainder of the term.

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If the President is impeached AND found guilty by Congress, the Vice-President becomes President. IF the then-President (former Vice-President) is Impeached AND found guilty by Congress, the Speaker of the House becomes President.... Note that just impeaching and charging ALL of those 3 could take a President's entire term (4 years). This is why it's important to Vote and to Vote Wisely.

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The President can be impeached. After Abraham Lincoln was assassinated his vice President (Andrew Johnson) was impeached. Also Nixon was impeached

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If the president is not present, dies, resigns, impeached, or is otherwise unable to fulfill his or her duties, that would be when the vice president will generally serve as president.if for some major reason the president is unable to carry out his duties like dying for instance

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Spiro Agnew is the U.S. vice president who was impeached but did not resign. He served as vice president under President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1973. Agnew resigned from office in 1973 due to charges of tax evasion and bribery.

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If a president is impeached, then the vice president takes over and serves out the rest of the term as president.