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The vice-president becomes President if the president can not function.

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The vice president.

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Q: Who becomes president if the elected president can not serve?
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If a president is elected for two terms how many years in office will the president serve?

if a US President is elected for 2 terms he will serve 8 years unless he resigns, dies, or becomes unable to perform his duties. A vice-president (or other official) who succeeds an elected president may serve for up to 2 years without forfeiting eligibility to two elected terms. So a President can serve a maximum of 10 years under the law set forth in the 22nd Amendment.

If the president and vice president are unable to serve than who assumes the position of chief of staff?

The Chief of Staff is a position appointed by the President. If the elected President and Vice-President are unable to serve, the Speaker of the House of Representatives becomes President and selects a Chief of Staff.

Can Bill Clinton serve as vice president then president if the elected president were to die?

No,by law you can on serve two terms.

When a person becomes a the president how many years can the serve if they have already served one term?

If a person had already been elected to president and is seeking reelection, that person may only serve for one more four year term.

What is the limits for the executive branch?

If elected, a president can serve for two consecutive terms of four years each. If the president resigns or dies, and the vice president becomes president, he can serve out the remaining term of the former president. If the remaining portion of the term is less than two years, the new president can then run for and be elected to two consecutive terms of four years each. Short version- not more than 10 years with two years as a replacement for the president and eight years as an elected official.

The president is elected to serve for how long?

4 years

Who becomes the president if the president cant serve in office?

The Vice President

What are the three qualifications for president or the vice president and how many terms can they serve?

they can be elected.

What is the term limit for the Executive branch?

If elected, a president can serve for two consecutive terms of four years each. If the president resigns or dies, and the vice president becomes president, he can serve out the remaining term of the former president. If the remaining portion of the term is less than two years, the new president can then run for and be elected to two consecutive terms of four years each. Short version- not more than 10 years with two years as a replacement for the president and eight years as an elected official.

What does re-Elected mean?

An example is when the American President is re-elected by the American voters to serve another term as President.

For how long do you elect the president for?

The president is elected for a four-year term. They can only be elected twice.

IF the president or the vice president can no longer serve who becomes president?

Secretary of State