After the President comes the Vice President, at least in the United States.
The President is the Commander in Chief. Highest Rank of the Military.
The president.
The highest vote senator must be the next president
General "Ike". aka president Eisenhower. He was a 5 star general and also the president.
The president pro tempore presides when the officer of the Senate is away. This person is the second highest ranking official of the Senate.
In politics in the United States, the highest ranking job title would be President of the United States. For most businesses the top title is President and Chief Executive Officer.
The US Attorney General is the highest ranking officer of the US Department of Justice, aside from the President of the US.
In the US government the President is higher, but in a company the CEO is the highest. In order to clarify this it should be noted that the office of CEO does not exist in the US Government. Also, in the business world a person can be both the CEO, Chief Executive Officer and President.
The Governor is the highest ranking official in a State. However, he is kept in check by the state congress and the state supreme court.
A commander-in-chief is the highest commanding officer of an armed forces. The title is held concurrently held by the President of the state.
The five highest US Army ranks are General Officers:General of the Army (5 stars),General (4 stars),Lieutenant General (3 stars),Major General (2 stars)Brigadier General (1 star)Colonel (eagle)
executive vice president as well as president and chief executive officer of supply management; 1999-2001, president and co-chief executive officer; 2001-, president and chief executive officer; 2002-, president, chairman, and chief executive officer.