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According to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution, the US Supreme Court is the highest appellate court in the United States. Once the Supreme Court issues a decision, the rule of res judicata applies, which means that is the final, binding, legal verdict for the case. There matter is settled, and there is nowhere else to go.

Article III, Section 1

The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.

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14y ago

You must go throught the entire judicial appeals process step-by-step. At any step of the process either the appeals court or the supreme court may reject your case for review as not being of sufficient legal importance for them to consider. There is no right to appeal EVERY case to the Supreme Court.

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6y ago

There is no where else to appeal to.

The United States Supreme Court is the highest court of the land. When cases are appealed, they're appealed to a higher court.

Hence, if a case started in a standard state court, it would be appealed to the state appellate court.

If it were appealed a second time, it would be heard by the state's supreme court.

After a third appeal (we're assuming all of these appeals were accepted by the courts), the case would be heard in front of the U.S Supreme Court.

The fact that there is no higher court makes the idea of an appeal impossible, thus the U.S Supreme Court's decision is final.

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Because the supreme court is the highest ranking court.

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Q: Why can't one appeal to the US Supreme Court?
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The Supreme Court is one of the three branches of government. They appealed the decision to the Supreme Court.

Can one appeal from the Court of Appeals?

Yes, unless it's a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court.

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Possibly. You can appeal a case heard or rejected by the Michigan Supreme Court to the US Supreme Court, but only ifthe appeal is based on a preserved federal question. A federal question is one involving federal or constitutional law or US treaties. Preserved means the question was raised at every phase of litigation, from the trial through the appellate process.

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You can make two different types of appeals, a collateral appeal and a direct appeal. A direct appeal is when a defendant petitions to the supreme court, and a collateral appeal is one made after conviction - usually based on new evidence.

How does the cases reach the supreme court?

There are two ways a case can reach the Supreme Court.The first way is by far the most common: A case is first heard by a trial court. If one of the parties doesn't like the outcome, they appeal. The case is then heard by an appeals court, who has the power to overturn the decision of the trial court. The first appeal is a "gimme" - the appeals court hears everyone's appeal. If one of the parties STILL doesn't like the outcome, they can try to appeal again. The Supreme Court, however, does not have to accept every appeal. To appeal to the Supreme Court, you have to write a "petition for certiorari." If they accept your case, we say that the Supreme Court has "granted cert."The second way is very rare: the Constitution gives the supreme court "original" jurisdiction over a narrow class of cases (mostly cases between states or involving ambassadors.) This means that if a case is of that type, the Supreme Court can take it directly, without any trial court. The court almost never accepts a case this way.

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What can you do if you don't agree with the decision of an appealed case?

You can appeal it again and again until it gets to the supreme court; their word is the final one.

How does a case proceed form the trial courts to the supereme court?

The case is tried in a trial court - If the outcome is not satisfactory to one of the parties to the case, it may appealed to the Court of Appeals. The Appeals Court will review the case and IF THEY WISH TO ACCEPT IT for review, they will consider the case and render a decision on the question contained in the appeal. If that appeal is not satisfactory to one of the parties in the case, that ruling may be appealed, yet again, to the Supreme Court. If the Supreme Court chooses to accept the case, they, too, will hear the case and render a decision. The Supreme Court's decision is the final word and there is no higher appeal.

What are similarities between Florida court system and federal court system?

the juristice federal court hols a convention

Who can attend the Supreme Court hearing?

A plaintiff or defendant in a federal court case (or in a state court case where a Federal Constitutional issue is in dispute ) who wants to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States may ask for a writ of certiorari. The U.S. Supreme Court is obligated to take certain cases on appeal (for example, capital murder cases) but has discretion to take or not take certain others. The writ of certiorari is the Supreme Court's written agreement to take one of those discretionary cases on appeal.

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A Special Leave Petition is a type of petition filed in the Supreme Court of India where the petitioner seeks permission to appeal against a decision of a lower court. It is discretionary and allows the Supreme Court to hear an appeal in cases that involve significant questions of law.

Describe the appeals process all the way to the US Supreme Court What is the likelihood that your case will end up there?

Two different types of cases exist, Criminal and Civil. The likelihood that either will end up in front of the US Supreme Court are quite Slim.We will use Florida's procedure for criminal cases. Other states have basically the same procedures but use different names:First comes the trial in the circuit court. If the prisoner does not have a lawyer, the state will provide him with one. Assume he is found guilty.Next he can appeal his conviction. The state will provide him with an appeal lawyer. This is before a District Court of Appeals. (It is called A Supreme Court in New York). From this point on, the State no longer provides a lawyer. (If a different District Court of Appeals ruled a different way concerning the same law, the prisoner can appeal to the State Supreme Court.)After that, the sentencing judge has 60 days to make his sentence final, before that he can change the terms. The prisoner can send information concerning that to the judge.Next comes collateral appeals to the circuit courts and courts of appeal. These have deadlines of two years and one year. You can use the two years. After you get that one back, the one year deadline starts.Finally, if there are federal issues and they were brought up in one of the various state appeals, they can be brought up in a collateral appeal to a Federal Circuit Court, a 1 year deadline. That decision can be appealed to a Federal District Court of Appeal. Finally, you can send your appeal to the United States Supreme Court. Now, what the Supreme Court is usually looking for is a certifiable issue. That is a point where one District Court of Appeal decided one way on a point of law and another one decided a different way. Frequently you will read, "Cert. Denied." That means they did not want to referee between the two courts. Other times they take the case.