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Q: Why did Theodore Roosevelt call socially conscious writers muckraker?
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Related questions

What is socially conscious?

Its either A,B,C, or D :)

Which designer is famous for his socially conscious advertising?

Marina Melonco

A designer famous for his socially conscious advertising?

Marc Jacobs

What is a payoff for socially conscious behavior?

New and loyal customers

What was socially conscious writers who dramatized the need for reform known as?


What would A payoff for socially conscious behavior is?

New and loyal customers

. Socially conscious writers who dramatized the need for reform were known as .?

muckrakers {NOVANET}

What is Society of the Spectacle LLC's motto?

The motto of Society of the Spectacle LLC is 'Socially Conscious Apparel'.

What industry has been changed the most by socially conscious behavior on the part of consumers?

entertainment industry

What does socially conscious mean?

Being socially conscious means being aware of social issues and injustices, and actively working to address them through actions or advocacy. It involves considering the impact of our decisions on society and striving to make choices that benefit others in addition to oneself.

What are the release dates for House Hunters International - 2006 Socially Conscious in San Juan Del Sur Nicaragua 51-5?

House Hunters International - 2006 Socially Conscious in San Juan Del Sur Nicaragua 51-5 was released on: USA: 20 March 2013

What playwright in the 1930s wrote socially conscious plays featuring strong female roles?

The playwright includes foods and beverages popular in the 1930s.