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The Committees of Correspondence were formed for the purpose of keeping the colonies informed. They were created by the Patriot leaders.

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They were called Committees of Correpondence and were set up in the major cities of each colony, in order to share information on British activities and the responses by the colonists.

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Q: Committees organized to keep the colonies informed of events by writing letters?
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What did the Committees of Correspondence do for the Patriots?

The committees of correspondence were bodies organized by the local governments of the Thirteen colonies before the American Revolution for the purposes of coordinating written communication between and outside of the colonies. These served an important role in the Revolution, by disseminating the colonial interpretation of British actions between the colonies and to foreign governments. The committees of correspondence rallied opposition on common causes and established plans for collective action. The group of committees was the beginning of what later became a formal political union among the colonies.

What were the committees of correspondence?

One characteristic of the Committees of Correspondence was that they were established to help spread communication throughout the colonies. Another characteristic was that they employed fast riders to send out the news.

What was the committee of correspondance?

The ones connected directly to the First Continental Congress (September 1774) and the Revolutionary War (April 1775) were formed in 1772 and 1773. Earlier committees had been formed in response to the Stamp Act in 1764.

Did all of the colonists approve of what happened at the tea party Why?

No, they were divided about it. The colonists were all English and loyal to the king so action against the king was considered treason. We have the impression that ALL the people in the colonies were ready to revolt. Not true. Washington was against the tea party and made statements about it in letters and to others.

What does uppercase letters mean?

These are lowercase letters : abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz These are uppercase letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ They are called "uppercase" and "lowercase" because in the days when printing was done using lead type, the printer compiling the text kept the capital letters in the "upper row" and the small letters in the "lower row" so that they were sorted out ready to hand when needed.

Related questions

What group circulated letters and papers through the colonies to try and keep the leaders informed on the latest developments?

Committees of Correspondence

How did committees of correspondence help keep people informed?

Exchanged letters on colonial affairs.

How did the committees of correspondence help keep people informed?

Exchanged letters on colonial affairs.

Who was the organized group who circulated papers and letters through the colonies in a effort to keep the leaders and other informed on the latest developments?

Gotta love Eastshore! It's "commitees of correspondence"

What did the Committees of Correspondence do for the Patriots?

The committees of correspondence were bodies organized by the local governments of the Thirteen colonies before the American Revolution for the purposes of coordinating written communication between and outside of the colonies. These served an important role in the Revolution, by disseminating the colonial interpretation of British actions between the colonies and to foreign governments. The committees of correspondence rallied opposition on common causes and established plans for collective action. The group of committees was the beginning of what later became a formal political union among the colonies.

What were the committees of correspondence?

One characteristic of the Committees of Correspondence was that they were established to help spread communication throughout the colonies. Another characteristic was that they employed fast riders to send out the news.

What The Committees of Correspondence?

The committees of correspondence were bodies organized by the local colonial leaders of the Thirteen Colonies before and during the American Revolution for the purposes of coordinating written communication between separate cities and colonies. These served an important role in the Revolution, by disseminating the colonial interpretation of British actions between the colonies and to foreign governments. The committees of correspondence rallied opposition on common causes and established plans for collective action, and so the group of committees was the beginning of what later became a formal political union among the colonies.As news during this period was typically spread in hand-written letters to be carried by couriers on horseback or aboard ships, the committees were responsible for ensuring that this news accurately reflected the views of their parent governmental body on a particular issue, and was dispatched to the proper groups. Many correspondents were also members of the colonial legislative assemblies, and were active in the secret Sons of Liberty organizations.---On March 17, 1772 an organization called the committee of correspondence was formed by Samuel Adams to protest against the British and it helped the American Revolution form. The committee talked about problems they had with the British and how they could confront these problems. Samuel Adams asked other cities and towns to do the same. The committees wrote letters to one another to tell how they were protesting in each towns and city. The letters were delivered on horseback between towns. The king banned these committee but they kept on sending letters anyway.Committees of correspondence is the shadow of the governments is organized by the Patriot leaders. This is in the Thirteen Colonies.

What did the committees of corresponding do?

They secretly sent messages through out the 13 colonies against the actions of Great Britain.

What was the purpose of the Committee's of Correspondence?

The Committees of Correspondence were set up by Patriot leaders in the American Colonies to exchange information, establish plans for collective action by the colonies, and to coordinate efforts among the colonies. They undermined British and Loyalist efforts, and eventually organized to the point of taking concerted actions, which ranged from publishing the names of uncooperative merchants (those who violated boycotts) to establishing networks of spies in British commands.

What is the committees of Loyalist?

the committees of loyalists are to write letters to spread the alarm whenever the British tried to enforce unpopular acts of Parliament.

What word do these letters zangordie make?


What was the purpose of the Committees of Correspandence?

The purpose was to start a way to send information easier through out the colonies of early America. A group of officials, or delegates, from each colony came to meet and form the Committees of Correspondence. In this organization, delegates wrote letters and sent them to the other colonies on horseback so the information traveled around the colonies faster. Why should they do this? They did this because information about what the British was doing could travel to the other colonies fast. This way if the British were doing bad things the other colonies knew about it and could tell everyone in the colonies what the British were doing and that the colonies should unite and be independent. The loyalists, the colonists loyal to the king of England, could then decide to become patriots, the colonists wanting independence. The delegates hoped that sending information to the other colonies would lead loyalists into changing sides and supporting freedom for the colonies. The Committees of Correspondence either worked or did not work, I do not know, but i do know that the information did travel fast but it might not have worked with the loyalists. Hope you understand now.