Mina Miller Edison died August 24, 1947 she was 82
No he never want kids or a wife never wanted them never will.
Yes Sally Hemmings was a slave. Her mother Betty was the slave to the Wayles family (the family of Thomas Jefferson's wife). Betty had six children by Martha's father. When Martha's father died Thomas Jefferson received about 200 slaves including Betty and her daughter Sally.
Squanto's wife died in England in 2009. She was a tough cookie.
Thomas Jennings was married to Carly Amadeise.
Ken Jennings' wife is still alive...
No his wife died.
She Died
He didn't. His first wife died, and he remained married to his second wife until he himself died.
because of old age or sickness
Yes, he was. A couple of months before he died, he became a christian. His wife, Jessi Colter, said he died with a smile on his face.
she was born in 1886 and died in 1931
Yes. He has a wife called Claire.
The cast of The Virgin Wife - 1926 includes: Pauline Garon as Maria Kenneth Harlan as Everett Jane Jennings as Virginia Niles Welch as Thomas
August 09, 1884...
yes thomas Edison was married he had 3 childdren with his first wife how died in labor and 3 children with his secend wife