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The Red Scare took over the United States

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Q: How can you use red scare in a sentence?
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How can you use scare in a sentence?

The Halloween decorations were used to scare little children

How do you use thrush in a sentence?

Be quiet, or you'll scare the thrush.

Who are some of the red scare groups?

who was involve in the red scare who was involve in the red scare

What was red scare and what politician wanted to use it?

The Second Red Scare of 1947 to 1957 was dominated by Senator Joseph McCarthy (R) from Wisconsin.

The red scare was a response to?

The Red Scare was a response to Communism

What was the Red Scare after World War?

the red scare was a huge blob of red clay that tormented the citizens of the united state, hence the name red scare

Use a sentence with the word shrewd?

the mouse shrewdly snuck up to the elephant to scare it.

When was Red Scare Industries created?

Red Scare Industries was created in 2004.

What caused the red scare to end?

The red scare ended when McCarthy was sensured.

How do you use the word ointment in a sentence?

The ointment I used for the scare on my leg has improved the shade and shape of it.

What term described the fear of communist in the 1950s?

the second red scare

What is a witch hunt and how did it happen during the red scare?

red scare very importnat.