Anti-Communist paranoia, commonly known as The Red Scare, led by Senator Joseph McCarthy, was the driving force behind the 1950s "witch hunts."
The Second Red Scare has more to do with McCarthism. They are similar in a way that the America feared the increase of communism. It seems like the first red scare was more violent and booms before the world wars while the second red scare was more to do with wrong -witch hunt like- accuses. Especially, the second red scared was overreaction which caused hundreds of people prisioned and thousands people losing jobs. go check on Google or wiki for more information. good luck!
answer sucks
muslims. many categorize them as terrorists.
To hunt, fight, and scare off things that may harm the Native Americanenvironment.
19 people were executed
Witch Hunt - film - was created in 2008.
Anti-Communist paranoia, commonly known as The Red Scare, led by Senator Joseph McCarthy, was the driving force behind the 1950s "witch hunts."
"cold as a witch's caress" -- very cold "cold as a witch's tit" -- very cold a "witch-hunt" -- an attempt to find and punish people who have opinions believed dangerous (e.g. McCarthy's witch-hunt for suspected Communists in America during the Cold War) Source:
Both events in history involved the killing of innocent people who were believed to be part of either witchcraft or communism
The Red Scare of the 1950s has been called a modern witch hunt. People were accused and convicted of Communism based on tenuous evidence like the witch trials; mass hysteria caused people to believe things that were ridiculous; and everyone realized how stupid it had been too late, lives had already been ruined.
Gay Witch Hunt was created on 2006-09-21.
Salem witch trials.
The duration of Witch Hunt - TV film - is 1.5 hours.
So the wildlife that the hunter was hunting wouldn't scare off the game. Even when fishing you need to be quiet, so you don't scare the fish away.
Witch Hunt - TV film - was created on 1999-05-02.