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The Second Red Scare has more to do with McCarthism.

They are similar in a way that the America feared the increase of communism.

It seems like the first red scare was more violent and booms before the world wars while the second red scare was more to do with wrong -witch hunt like- accuses. Especially, the second red scared was overreaction which caused hundreds of people prisioned and thousands people losing jobs.

go check on Google or wiki for more information.

good luck!

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Q: How was the second Red Scare similar to and different from the Red Scare of 1919?
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When did the fear of Communism known as the Red Scare begin in the US?

Following the Bolshevist revolution the first 'Red Scare' was from 1919 through 1921 then the second 'Red Scare' (McCarthyism) followed after the Second World War 1947 to 1954 .

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The Red Scare in the United States started in 1919, sparked by the Russian Revolution. There was also the Second Red Scare in the 1950s, driven by figures such as Joseph McCarthy.

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January 21th 1919 was the first day of The Red Scare.

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