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Calfornia extended so far either side of the Missouri line (North of which slavery was illegal) that it rendered the Missouri Compromise unworkable, so a new one had to be worked out. It was a patched-up deal, and it did not last.

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Q: How did California affect the issue of slavery between the north and the south?
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How did this decision affect the issue of slavery?

The decision had a significant impact on the issue of slavery as it further entrenched the practice by allowing it in new territories. It intensified tensions between free states and slave states, ultimately contributing to the outbreak of the Civil War.

Why did slavery become a major national issue in 1850?

the issue of slavery became important again in 1850. At that time, california requested to join the union as a free state.

How did the war for independence affect slavery in the US?

The issue, matter of, is that slavery remain unsettled for many years to come.

What is true about the issue of slavery?

Slavery was one cause of conflict between the north and the south.

How did the slavery issue affect the Democratic Party in the 1860 presidental election?

The slavery issue caused the northern and southern democratics to split up and have two different democratic parties.

What compromise preserved the balance over the issue of slavery between the North and South?

The Missouri compromises reserved the balance over the issue of slavery between the North and the South. This ended with the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act, which gave citizens in a territory the right to vote on the slavery issue.

What was the issue that fragmented the Democratic Party in mid 1800's?

The major issue in the era of the democrats between 1800-1860 was slavery and high tariffs.

How did the issue of slavery affect New Jersey?

because it made a major problem and started the civil war