Calvin Coolidge
He was the first pilot to fly pilot to fly by himself.
Henry Ford was known to have pro-Nazi feeling. For what reason I cannot say. Charles Lindbergh was world famous after his flight across the Atlantic Ocean. He made a tour of Europe later and when in Germany was shown their top secret aircraft, and was even allow to fly one. His reasons for opposing war could have been many. We were in a Depression, and needed to concentrate our efforts towards recovery. Many Americans resented the actions of the English and French for not listening to President Wilson after the war, and their actions pretty clearly were a cause of WW II. Many of us thought WW II was their fault, and we were not going to war to save them again. Then too I think Lindbergh was greatly impressed with Germany and how advance their Airforce was over ours (which was true.) He may have felt that we could never catch up with them, so it would be best to avoid a war and mind our own business. Impressions I have gained over the years. John
Jazz would be a term that would reflect popular US culture of the 1920s. Jazz was very popular in the music culture and bars of that decade in the United States.
what way did the mexican american culture help the united states of america?
Washington, D.C.
Charles Lindbergh
Charles Lindbergh
US President Calvin Coolidge
Calvin Coolidge
Alcock and Brown flying a Vickers Vimy from NewFoundland to Ireland in 1919
Charles Lindbergh.
Charles Lindbergh who was awarded by the USA a Medal of Honor, received from NAZI GERMANY before the start of WWII their equivalent of the US Medal of Honor.
According to the US Centennial of Flight Commission (, they lived in Kent, England.
Charles Augustus Lindbergh (February 4, 1902 - August 26, 1974) flew solo across the Atlantic from Roosevelt field New York to Le Bourget airport, Paris on May 20 - 21 1927 in his aeroplane "Spirit of St Louis"
Charles Lindbergh believed that European wars had little to do with the safety of the US because he assumed, like many people at that time, that the US would stay to itself and not become involved in foreign problems.
American aviator Charles Augustus Lindbergh, non-stop from New York to Paris.