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Egypt was changed because Kush had too many animals such as goats and more goats that overloaded egypt that forced Egyptians too move from their home land. Modern Egyptians now live in Afganistan and are now most of the Talibans.

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Influence. They now had the language, names, practices, and even clothing. They were neighbors so some of their culture was adopted.

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Q: How did Egyptian rule change Kush?
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How did the egyptians rule affect kush?

What impact did egyptian control have on the kush?

How did Egyptian rule kush?

idk but im sure that your textbook would tell you you should probley use that any way

Why did the Egyptian attack kush?

the egyptians attack the kush because they control over them

What is the Egyptian city that fell to kush?

[object Object]

How Egypt lost control of Kush?

Egyptian leaders were to busy fighting each other to control Kush

What are Egyptian and Kush civilizations shared similar?

The Kushite and Egyptian cultures were similar because Jush was under Egyptian rule for about 500 years.

Why did the Kush likes Egyptian culture?

The Kushites were absorbed into the Egyptian culture because the Egyptians were stronger than the Kushite people. The Kushites borrowed most of their culture and ideas from the Egyptians. The Kush people were part of those to rule the area once Egypt fell as the ruling power. The Kushites first viewed the Egyptian people as equals, then as rulers, and then as subordinates.

What happende to these aspects of Egyptian culture when kush regained its independence?

About 1100 B.C.E.,a new line of Kush kings were established. But even these kings continued to follow Egyptian traditions.

Why kush was its own distinct culture include?

Pictures of Kush kings on Egyptian pyramids. Religious beliefs that predate Egypt.

How did Egyptian culture affect kush?

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What was the relationship like between ancient Egypt and kush?

Kush and Egypt were sometimes at war Egypt invaded Kush and the Kushites later revolted and gained their independence. The Kushites still kept some Egyptian traditions and Egypt and Kush were also trading partners

What were some elements Egyptian culture that became popular in Kush?

Egyptian became the region's language. They used Egyptian names and clothing. They also did Egyptian religious practices