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how did native American groups on the pacific coast differ from those in the southwest

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Q: How did establishing a Confederacy benifit woodlands native Americans?
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Why was the British colony divided into two?

They did this so that is would benifit the British colony......

Who wrote a penny saved is a penny earned?

it means that if you don't need to buy it then it will benifit you better to not buy it and save your money

Is black man more fertile then white man?

No. However many people seem to, wrongly, think so. I actually spoke to a woman just the other day who swore that the pill did not work with black guys! The reality there is no evidence of this and it is difficult to think of a mechanism where genes that increase the fertility of males would proliferate within local gene pools. However, and this is mearly a thought experiment, say, it is possible that combinations of genes common to localised gene pools within black countries have a higher abundance of "potent" sperm genes. It is unlikely that this increase in fertility would not be combated by a corresponding decrease in the fertility of black females as both sexes "fight" for their own individual genes, ie finding a balance between the energy put into baring children, which is naturally higher for women, and the benifit from those children (with only a 50% stake in the mother's genome) passing on those genes to furture generations. That being the case the net effect would cancel out, within black couples. If this was the case black males and white females may, therefore, make for more fertile couples, and the opposite for white males and black females. But there is NO evidence of this. Mixed race couples do not have larger or smaller size families, on average, than than that of the country/class/social situation/religion they happen to live in. I am not a biologist, a fact I'm sure that any biologist will see from my, no doubt, sloppy answer and possible flawed reasoning. This is just my attempt to highlight the flaw is lots of people's wrong assumption. I should also point out that the woman who thought the pill was not effective with black men thought as such because two of her friends, who have only ever slept with black men, became pregnant while on the pill.

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