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How long was it from the first english colony to the last one?

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Q: How long was it from the first English colony to the last one?
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What was the first english colony that only lasted a year?

Roanoke, but we can not be sure of how long it last. It was years between the founder leaving and his return, due to military delay, so there is no complete time frame.

How long did the colony of Jamestown last?

I think it is 1607-2004 is the answer

Who were the first colony established in the new world?

That honor has to go to the Spanish. Some say the Vikings, but, they didn't stay long enough to welcome the English or the French.

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u find i do not know what it is I'm 23 yaah

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The last survived from 1788 until 1856 Elizabeth Thackery 89 years.

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The first African slaves used by Europeans were used by the Portuguese, on the island of Sao Tome, to grow sugarcane. The Spanish were the first to use African slaves in the Americas (in the Caribbean), and the first English colony to use African slaves was Jamestown, Virginia (which was the first English colony in the New World). However, long before Europeans used African slaves, the Africans had slaves who were African!

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No. At one time it was a English colony, but this was a long time ago.

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First slave arrived with Jamestown colony in 1603 and slavery lasted until 1867 with the passage of the 13, 14, and 15th amendments.

How long did American slavery last?

First slave arrived with Jamestown colony in 1603 and slavery lasted until 1867 with the passage of the 13, 14, and 15th amendments.

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It depends on what you're trying to say. "This won't last long." "I wish it would last longer."

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Portugal established the first African colony inMozambique in 1500.

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A beehive is an artificial home for honeybees provided for them by a beekeeper. If the hive is well looked after, it should last for about 30 years. If you are asking about a colony of bees, provided that the colony doesn't succumb to disease, it could theoretically last for ever.