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Q: How many colonies does the United states have?
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How many states were original in the United States?

There were the original British Colonies.

What are the united colonies today?

the 51 states

The 13th colonies?

What did the people in the thirteen colonies eat

What were the colonies that took over the 13 original colonies?

The thirteen original colonies became the first thirteen states in The United States of America.

When did the colonies became the US?

The way the thirteen colonies became the United States is by Britain and the original 13 colonies having a war. The thirteen colonies over threw Britain, and became free from there rule. the colonies then became the United States of America.

How many states that supported van bur-en in 1836 turned to Harrison in 1840?

There are 50 states in the United States and 13 original colonies.

When did the phrase the US of America originate?

The first known use of the formal term "United States of America" was in the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Paine, in February, 1776, had written of "Free and independent States of America." The terms "United Colonies," "United Colonies of America," "United Colonies of North America," and also "States," were used in 1775 and 1776. The first known use of the formal term "United States of America" was in the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Paine, in February, 1776, had written of "Free and independent States of America." The terms "United Colonies," "United Colonies of America," "United Colonies of North America," and also "States," were used in 1775 and 1776.

What lend to many African colonies breaking free from colonial rule?

Pressure from the United States and Nationalism.

What colonies did Britain have in the 1800s?

Many nation states that existed in the 1800s are still here today. These include the United States of America, Republic of Canada, and the United Kingdom.

How many American colonies where there?

There were 13 original colonies The New England Colonies were Massachusettes, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Connecticut. The Middle Colonies were New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. and The Southern Colonies were Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia.

What are the 13 original states of the united states call?

the 13 original colonies

How common are nudist colonies found in the United States?

Nudist colonies are very rare in the country of the United States, as it it illegal for public nudity. However, there are a few nudist colonies found in California and a few in Florida.