Many women in the revolutionary war provided comfort and support to the soldiers. They followed the army to cook and do laundry. Some women took up arms as the men fell.
There were 20,000 Black slaves that served the British for their causes and 5,000 black slaves served the Continental Army.
The event that started the Revolutionary war was the Battle of Lexington and Concord. 700 men were sent by the British to disarm the rebels in Concord, Massachusetts. The minutemen in Massachusetts were pre warned and waiting for the Brits when they arrived.
how did the parliament lead to the revolutionary war
The Revolutionary war lasted almost twice as long as the Civil war.
About 250,000 men served as regulars or as militiamen for the Revolutionary cause in the eight years of the war, but there were never more than 90,000 men under arms at one time.
The British lost around 24,000 men during the revolutionary War
yes many women dressed up as men inthe revolutionary war
They cooked and cleaned and served as nurses for the men in war. That was all they were allowed to do. Some even dressed up as men so they could enlist in the war.
Florida sacrificed 1,950 men to the war.
It gave them alot of hope because they knew that if they won the revolutionary war that they would be able to have a simile to represent each and every one the men and woman that served in that hard time.
Benjamin Franklin served as the American ambassador to France during the Revolutionary War.
During the course of the whole war it is estimated that around 1.1 million Canadians served. Both men and women.
Hardy Murfree