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Spanish colonial society was divided into a Caste System. Creoles were the middle class and were generally excluded from high office in both church and state.

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Q: How were the Creoles treated in the Spanish colonies?
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Which social group led most of the revolutions in Latin America?

The Creoles, or the children of native Spanish people who came to the colonies in Latin America.The reason the Creoles led the revolution is because they were treated as second-class citizens and thought this treatment unjust.

What four groups made up society in the spanish colonies?

The four social classes in the Spanish colonies were peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, and Indians.

What is Spanish creole?

Spanish creoles are a group of languages that are formed by combining Spanish with an unrelated language.The most common Spanish creoles are Chavacano and Palenquero.

What best describes creole of color?

People of mixed racial ancestry born in the former French and Spanish colonies of the southernmost United States describes creoles of color. Creoles has the original application and meaning of birth in the above-mentioned colonies in Alabama, Louisiana, northwestern Florida and southern Mississippi. The prepositional phrase "of color" then was added to account for births in the colonies to parents of unshared ancestry, such as father European and mother African or vice versa.

What are the 5 social classes set up in the Spanish Colonies?

In the Spanish Colonies, the social classes were structured as follows: peninsulares (those born in Spain), creoles (those of Spanish descent born in the colonies), mestizos (mixed-race individuals), Native Americans, and enslaved Africans.

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The 18th century reforms in portugese and spanish colonies were similar in the creation of more viceroyalties for better defense and administration, lessening of the Catholic church's influence in political decisions and the removal of Creoles from administrative positions

Who were creoles?

I am Creole . We Creoles are a mix of French , Spanish , Native American and African . We are from Louisiana . There are also Creoles in the West Indies with French and Spanish descent . Us Creoles from Louisiana are descendants of French and Spainsh colonial settlers in Louisiana .

Name the classes of spanish colonial society?

Peninsulares, Creoles, mestizos, Native American

What were the descendants of Spanish settlers born in the Americas called?

Spanish children that are born in America are called Hispanic Americans or creoles. This is because the child was born in America but is of Spanish decent.

How were African slaves treated by southern colonies?

African slaves in southern colonies were subjected to harsh treatment, including forced labor, physical abuse, and dehumanization. They were often separated from their families, faced brutal working conditions on plantations, and had limited rights and freedoms. Slaves were considered property and were treated as such by their owners.

What were the descendant's of spanish settlers in the Americas called?

they were called creoles

What were the descendants of Spanish settlers born in the America?

they were called creoles