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Germany Got split in-half and the USSR (Russia) Took the west half of Germany and the allied powers took the East half. Then come s the Berlin Wall

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Nato and The Warsaw Pact.

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NATO and the WARSAW pact

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Q: Into what two alliances was Europe divided into during the cold war?
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How did the us respond to soviet actions in Europe during the cold war?


The term iron curtain refers to what?

It was the line between the free nations of Europe and the nations under Soviet domination during the Cold War (c. 1945-1990). The countries of Eastern Europe and their citizens were under the authority of the USSR under one form or another until late in the 20th century.

The goal of U.S. foreign policy during the cold war was to fight the spread of what Soviet Union style of government and economics?

The goal of U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War was to fight the spread of communism, particularly the Soviet Union's style of government and economics. The U.S. saw communism as a threat to its capitalist and democratic system, and sought to contain its influence and prevent its expansion into other nations. This included various strategies such as military alliances, economic aid, and propaganda efforts.

Who was the Strategic backyard of the US during the cold war?

Latin America was the strategic backyard of the US during the Cold War. The Cold War started after World War II and lasted until 1991.

Why did events in Asia and Europe dominate U.S foreign policy during the cold war period?

During the Cold War the policy of the United States was one of containment of communism. China dominated Asia and it was a communist country. US policy was to try to contain the Chinese spread of communist doctrine in Southeast Asia. In Europe it was containment of Russian communist doctrine and to stop the Russians from attempting to enter Western Europe. It was felt if Russia would invade through Poland and enter central Germany in force. To some extent there is still a bit of that philosophy present in American foreign policy. It can be seen with the American reaction to the Russian take over of parts of the Ukraine. Today NATO is adding troops to Germany.

Related questions

What type of curtain divided eastern and western Europe during the cold war?

i believe it was called the "iron curtain" that divided eastern and western Europe

Why did Europe divide into two?

Europe was divided into two opposing sides during the Cold War. Here, Western Europe was democratic and Eastern Europe was communist.

What was the boundary called that divided east and west Europe during the cold war?

The Iron Curtain

What three alliances were created during the cold war?

The Three Alliances are American, British, and French

What were the alliances during the cold war?

Nato and The Warsaw Pact.

What determined alliances in the Suez Crisis?

Cold War Alliances

What were the two military alliances created during the cold war?

well the answer to the ? is the warsaw pact and NATO.

Which region on the map was home to countries that most strongly supported the US during the Cold War?

Western Europe, including countries like the United Kingdom, France, and West Germany, was home to nations that strongly supported the United States during the Cold War. These countries were part of alliances such as NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and played key roles in countering Soviet influence in Europe.

Which nations were divided during the cold war?

durin the cold war the three nations that got divided were Korea,Vietnam and,Germany

What was a common political factor for US-aligned states in Europe during the Cold War?

A common political factor for US-aligned states in Europe during the Cold War was their shared commitment to containing the spread of communism. These states often formed alliances, such as NATO, to counter the influence of the Soviet Union and its allies in Eastern Europe. The US provided military and economic support to these countries as part of their efforts to uphold Western democratic values and oppose communism.

Did the Cold War divide Europe into three different sections?

Yes, it divided into three parts.

Physical symbol of the Cold War and divided Europe that came down in 1989?

Berlin Wall