Yes, there are lots of people who can help with that. The history department at your local college would be a good starting point.
it can be bias because when learning history some people have diffrent opinions and answers to questions can be different.
We can not answer your question because you have not specified which country's civil war you are asking about. Most countries have had a civil war at some time in their history. Please make your questions clear and specific if you want us to answer them for you.
i need help to answer this question ppllleeeaaase help me
Help them with what? Native Americans get paid by the feds for doing no work at all as compensation for what settlers did to them during colonization. They get free higher education, a stipend which is I think 2,000 USD a month. There are some natives who actually make a million a year from the state and feds.
They made the products that Britian sold instead of people buying them and getting taxed on those goods. Women played a very important role in american history. ~Lynn worte this
Start answering questions or help anyone that needs it if you are in a position to do so and are aware of the need.
I will try and help you
Cause some of the questions are lol-worthy, and if not you can help someone out. :D
i have a Boston back brace and i can try to help answer some of your question depends what they are
Anyone can answer questions on this site, so some kids would answer questions here.
Anyone can answer questions on WikiAnswers. So some people who answer them are knowledgeable, and some are not.
Basically some basic US history and politics questions.
Are you asking for someone to be a friend or is there anyone who would want to be a friend? Friendships develop, they usually don't just happen. I can answer questions and maybe there is some basis for friendship or not. Message me back if I can be any help.
Anyone can ask and answer questions on the site, and there is no one going through the list at all times, so some questions get answered right away and for others it takes longer. Questions that have been answered remain on the site so that people who have identical or similar questions can also get help.
Have you ever kissed anyone yet
Ask questions you would usually ask to anyone else in the world.