3459.34 miles (or 5567.11 kilometers) approx.
the country that colonial America is in is new England
dawe's act
America and England from Africa
How was landholding in Babylonia diffrent from landholding in Sumer?
no England is not richer then America. America is richer!!
England is equal to America, just like every other country.
in England than America.
systems of landholding
systems of landholding
Latifundia: A large estate or landholding. Minifundia: A small landholding farmed by peasants or tenants who produce food for subsistence and the market.
The prevailing winds and ocean currents in the North Atlantic make it faster to sail from America to England than the reverse. Ships can take advantage of the westerly winds and currents when sailing eastward from America to England, while they have to battle against them when going westward from England to America.
Men and women's roles in America were almost the same as their roles in England, but the colonies were very isolated from England. In America, the colonists had to worry about Indian attacks, and slavery. There were poor families in England,but no slaves. Men outnumbered women in the American colonies,and the mortality rates were much higher in America than England.
well, if you are looking for a better place to educate your child, then you have to go to England, England has the best education. America has got better weather that Britain
No, but New England is in North America.