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Common among working-class men

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Q: Opposition to the Civil War was?
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Who opposed the civil war?

There was both northern as well as southern opposition to the Civil War. The Copperheads, who were southern sympathizers in the Midwest, as well as Irish Catholics in New York were the principal northerners who were in opposition to the war.

What was the opposition to the civil war?

common among working-class men

When did the Ethiopian Civil War end?

The Ethiopian Civil War ended in 1991 because opposition groups such as the EPRP took control of the government.

Who organize an army for Lenin and to win the Civil War?

Leon Trotsky became Commissar of War and organized it into an efficient military force that defeated the opposition forces in the Russian Civil War.

Where was the most opposition to the draft Civil War?

New York City, particularly among the Irish…

What are draft riots and copperhead all connected to?

Opposition to the War

What was the clearest demonstration of opposition to the Civil War during that time?

The big anti-war section of the Democratic Party, which looked like winning the 1864 election.

Which factor was crucial to the Bolshevik's success in the Civil War?

the geographical advances role of trotsky in leading the red army lack of unity among opposition war communism

Who was a US Civil War dissenter?

There were many Civil War dissenters in the North and the South. In the North, peace Democrats called Copperheads sympathized with the South. Riots ensued in New York after Lincoln had to initiate a second draft to replace those who lost their lives in the war. There was also opposition elsewhere in the North. In the South, considerable opposition existed, most notably in border states, Texas and the Appalachian region.

How did two revolutions and civil war bring communist control of Russia?

The October and February Revolutions brought the end of the tzarist regime and brought the Bolsheviks into power. The civil war ended all communist opposition in Russia, leading to communist takeover.

Why did the opposition of the Australian government want to go to Vietnam war?

Opposition wanted to end the war.

What are draft riots bread riots and copperheads all connected to?

Opposition to the War