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Opposition wanted to end the war.

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Q: Why did the opposition of the Australian government want to go to Vietnam war?
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How did Vietnam war start?

Vietnam was a population war. they can say what they want,but the government freaked after the population increased rapidly. therefor America targeted the nearest country that barely scraped our shoulder. it was population decrease.

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Yes the war in Vietnam was inevitable because the bone-head Government wouldn't have let the even the thought of Communism reach anywhere that they didn't want it to.

Did Canadian government want to be involved in Vietnam war?

The Canadian government tried its best to remain neutral during the Vietnam war, however when the time came Canadian citizens themselves became involved. It is believed that Canadian enlistment in the US Army during the Vietnam era far surpassed the 30,000 who fled as draft dodgers to Canada.

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because they want to see if it's a safe government and also to see if the beaches are good because they want to see if the government is safe and they want to see if the beaches are good.

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A Federal Government that has 80 Million Nine Thousand, 100 Hundred Thousand Billion Dollars an that anyone who is an Australian Resident that wants $9000,000,000 Million for a Project can Apply for the Money through a Million Dollar Project Scheme and a Government that knows what the People want not what the Government Wants all the Time.

Why so much opposition to the draft in Vietnam?

the Vietnam war was not an American war. we got in it to fight off communism. and the vietcong and north vietnamese worked together to fight us, and south vietnamese were hardly using their army to fight, they were letting us do all of it. and Americans didnt want to go die for a lost cause.

Why did the opposition after the Vietnam War affect President Johnson?

President Johnson did NOT like the Vietnam War; He didn't like to talk about it, he didn't want to hear about it, and he didn't want " send American Boys to fight a war that Asian Boys should be fighting..." to quote one of his televised broadcasts. Johnson wanted to concentrate on HOME MATTERS; primarily his "Great Society." Vietnam angered him so much, he refused to remain President of the United States after his first term expired.