It isn't. San Marino created their constitution in 1600 although I believe it wasn't finally ratified till 1974. , The English colony of Connecticut formed theirs in 1638, though it fell out of use. Sweden and Corsica also formed constitutions before the US, although neither are still in use. It might be argued that the US constitution is the oldest still in use today, but it most certainly is not the oldest one created.
Increased support for women's right to vote.
No, B/c American has help on world.
Off course not. The Republic of the Philippines is a sovereign state with a duly elected president and a constitution. The Philippines was under American rule until the end of world war 2 in 1945 when it attained its independence.
Benjamin Franklin signed the Constitution of the United States because he wanted to see that the New World had its freedom from British control. He also signed it because he believed in the words that were printed in the document. As an envoy for American rights in England, he was concerned about the Americans having a free society.
What was the purpose of world fairs such as the Pan American Exposition
the oldest written constitution of the world is the constitution of U.S.A
San Marino, whose constitution was put into place in 1600, has the oldest surviving constitution in the world.
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is the oldest continuous state constitution, coming into effect on October 25, 1780. It is also, as of June 2014, the oldest continuous constitution in the world.
The U.S. Constitution is the oldest functioning written constitution in the entire world.
uss constitution
the United States constitution
The oldest person in the world, Kane Tanaka, is right-handed.
Old Ironsides is the nickname of the American Frigate USS Constitution, the world's oldest commissioned naval vessel afloat. She earned the name during the battle with the HMS Guerriere.
Many consider San Marino, which is completely surrounded by Italy, to be the world's oldest country. It was founded in the year 301 CE, and its constitution is the world's oldest.
30 years old
The United States of America. They also have the oldest constitution of any major government.