Naturally! It was one of the main reasons the colonies were established. Timber was a big export. Other naval stores such as pitch and tar were also sent overseas. The availability of wood for charcoal and sand made glass another thing made and shipped back to Europe. And of course tobacco, indigo and cotton were sent back. Furs from the west were also big.
they had potatoes
Mercantilism is the economic system where colonies provided raw materials to England.
Raw Materials and markets for British products.
The English prized the colonies because it was a new opportunity to begin a new life and use the raw materials of the land and the colonies were good places to sell goods.
England was seeking raw materials such as lumber and iron ore, and agricultural products. Under the Sugar Act, Britain actually prohibited the trade of iron or lumber with anyone but British interests.
they had potatoes
A constant supply of raw materials
The colonies were viewed as a cash cow in the mercantile economy of England.
England required the colonies to supply England with natural resources and raw materials and buy finished products from England.
They wanted the colonies to supply raw materials and buy finished products.
England controlled trade and the North American colonies provided England with raw materials.
They had lumber and raw materials. Thanks for asking.
Mercantilism is the economic system where colonies provided raw materials to England.
Colonies provided a market for finished goods or Colonies provided cheap labor. Colonies provided England with raw materials.
Raw Materials And Markets
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