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States' Rights is the theory that state and local government's actions and laws in dealing with social and economic problems supersede federal actions and laws. The theory goes back to the founding of our nation. Jefferson and Madison advocated states' rights in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. John C. Calhoun's Theory of Nullification, the South's justification for declaring independence from the US, also advocates states' rights. The argument of the States' Rights theory is that the Constitution is a compact between states, not between people. The states created the national government and gave it only limited power. States' Rights supporters believe that the state is closest to the citizen and can better reflect their wishes. This was one of the major causes of the Civil War. The South claimed that the North and West were ignoring the rights and needs of the South, therefore the South had the right to nullify its compact with the other states and declare its independence.

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At the end of the US Civil War, a previous issue with regards to slavery was solved. The 13th Amendment was passed in late 1865 abolishing slavery.

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Q: What State's rights issue was solved by Civil War?
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What was the immidiate cause of the civil war?

The issue was states rights versus federal rights. The surface issue was slavery.

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The interpretation of states rights, particularly related to issue of slavery

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The power of the Federal Government versus States Rights and the issue of slavery.

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Yes, they are absolutely a civil rights issue. All people should be treated equally under the law.

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According to Lincoln they didn’t have the right. The civil war was a States rights issue.

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It was a Northern State that was pro slavery and anti Confederacy. It did not view the civil war as a slave issue. It considered the civil war a states rights issue.

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No, the British were stopping American ships and taking off sailors. This was called impressment. The States rights issue was the civil war over a hundred years later.

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The American Civil War was about the attempted secession of certain states from the Union; if any rights were established by that war, it is the right of the US to prohibit any state from seceding. Do not confuse this with the issue of civil rights. Civil rights are rights to which people are morally and legally entitled by reason of being citizens, not by reason of the civil war.

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States' rights, unfair tariffs, and unfair representation in congress. Slavery was but a minor issue in 1861.