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Q: What are some examples of honorable people in American history?
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the answer is that revolution in warfare is to remember the people who fought in the war for american history

What does be honorable to yourself if you wish to associate with honorable people mean?

To be honorable is to be worthy of honor. Simply put, people look up to honorable people because of their status or what they have done in their past. A honorable person may be brave, honest, noble, successful, etc. And they tend to achieve these qualities in a honest fashion. These type of people will most likely want to be with other people of this type. So if you want to be in their company you will need to be like them.

What interest people about the American Revolution?

The American people do almost not have any history, compared to Europeans, Asians, Arabs, Persians, Turks, African Tribes....... So the American revolution is the largest event in their history.

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There were many dark periods in American History. Most people would associate them with various wars...

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Tormenting people into insanity hardly fits into the image of an honorable woman.

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YES, It is american History PEOPLE PEACE OUT AMERICA

A sentence with the word honorable?

My father was an honorable man, helping people whenever he could and never asking for payment in return.

When do you hear people refer to the American Revolution?

When they are discussing early American history, or when they are talking about war history. Also if you are sitting in a history class it might come up once and a while.

How do Muslims rationalize suicide bombings?

My opinion as an American Muslim... The suicide bombings that are done by these corrupted people is not jihad nor honorable nor allowed. If you are to fight you will fight your enemy not your own people. If your to fight you will fight smartly not by giving your life. Suicide in Islam is considered a BLASPHEMY. These so called Muslims kill themselves and kill many innocents with them. You call this jihad or honorable or normal? Never in all history of Islam has a prophet in Islam ever killed himself even when they were outnumbered.

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It didn't you stupid retards! It changed history, not black people history!

Who are the important people of American history?

Dr. Martin Luther King