lee surrendered to grant at Appotamox courthouse
The key participants at the Surrender at Appomatox Courthouse were Generals Lee and Grant.
General Robert E. Lee.
What are the causes of when Lee met Grant and agreed to surrender ?
lee surrendered to grant at Appotamox courthouse
Virginia at appomattox court house
Grant did not surrender, though he lost all the early battles of the Overland Campaign. It was Grant who eventually took the surrender of Lee.
Ulysses S. Grant
ulysses s grant
Grant gave Lee generous terms of surrender. The Confederate Army of Northern Viginia was fed (at that time they were starving because of the Confederacy's lack of supplies), allowed to keep their weapons, and sent home. It is interesting to note that when Lee came to Appomattox Court House to surrender to Grant, Grant was so excited to meet the famous general that Lee had to remind him that they were there to arrange a surrender.
i am trying to get this answer