

Best Answer

The New England Primer emphasized the content for reading instruction along with religion. It utilized things like:

  • The alphabet
  • Vowels
  • Consonants
  • Double letters
  • Syllables
  • Religious maxims
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Q: What did a 1779 New England Primer emphasize besides learning?
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Continue Learning about U.S. History

What was the second most widely read book in the English colonies in the 1700s?

The New England Primer

Cual fue el primer presidente de los estados unidos?

George Washington

How do you build diorama battle of Yorktown?

Well, Yorktown had a lot of houses. So you'll need that. You'll also need blue construction paper for the water where the French fleet was. That's just a few instructions. First you have two parts the harder it is terrain, and second the figures...Figures in 1 72 you can find on plastic soldier review section periods, American revolution...You paint them with primer, and than paint whole figures in acrylic Vallejo paints... Second terrain, you need to study books of where battle was, what terrain was...Houses you make from wood, and bricks you have tutorial on benno's figures by beano boy, you make them by putting with thin brush pva glue in form of bricks...Water use noch water effect or nay water effect you can find... Terrain you make from pour, cut it in shape of hill or what was terrain cover it with pva glue, because any other glue will destroy pink pour, than cover it with toilet paper... For grass use static grass 6 mm, for earth use sand mixed with pleawood, and brush it in Vallejo earth color... And there you have it...One more thing, before using anything of this, first test it tree times on something unimportant... Study position of soldier, tactic, and do battle as it was... You have everything about terrain, painting figures and other stuff on benno's figures... From Vallejo colors use game colors...

Related questions

When was the New England Primer removed from Public School?

The New England Primer was removed from public schools in the middle of the 20th century.

What 2 parts of the Bible were included in the New England Primer?


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The cat doth play and after slay?

line from the "New England Primer"

The New England primer is written in?

Plain style writing... Americanized English

What was the second most widely read book in the English colonies in the 1700s?

The New England Primer

Can you use the aloe plant to make face primer or can i use extreme gel that's the name of the gel?

Yes, a person can use the aloe plant to make face primer or they can use extreme gel. Some of the things needed to make face primer besides the aloe plant are Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

In which direction is the prime merdian from the united states?

The primer meridian goes through London England. It is east from the United States.

When was the England Primer published?

The New England Primer is a small textbook, first printed in 1690 and used through the 19th century to teach children the alphabet and how to read. It was the intent of the colonists that all children should learn to read because they beleved that an inability to read was Satan's attmept to keep people from the Scriptures.

Is the letter i in the alphabet in the New England primer?

Yes. the letter i has been in the English alphabet since it was borrowed from Latin in the 8th Century.

What types of books did colonists read?

the bible the new England primer and.... two more

What was the name of the most widely read textbook in Colonial America?

The New England Primer was the first real textbook used during colonial times and was first published in 1690. Before the New England Primer was published the Hornbook was used. This was an alphabet sheet tacked to a paddle shaped piece of wood and hung around the pupils neck.