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it mean that they free from slaves

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Q: What did freedom mean to slaves in the south?
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Related questions

What was the transportation system for slaves?

If you mean how slaves were transported to the United States, it was by ship. If you mean how slaves were "transported" to freedom from the south, that was called the "Underground Railroad."

How did the underground railroad effect the south?

It helped slaves in the South escape to the North for freedom.

How did slaves freedom affect the north and south?

Without slaves the south couldn't trade or have as much business then they had with slaves. The north benefited of this because the south was getting more help in building weapons with slaves then they did alone.

What does Abraham Lincoln mean to you?

the freedom of the slaves

What did the North think about slaves?

The North had less use for slaves than the South did, and many Northern people helped slaves gain freedom.

Could the South had fought the CivilI War without slavery?

The War Between the states was not fought over slavery but instead state rights. This does not mean the South did not use slaves in the war, but the south offered slaves a chance to earn freedom if they served in the war, even though only ten percent of southerners were slaves at the time. So to answer this question more directly, yes slaves were not needed in the war but the use of slavery helped the south fight for what they believed in. Which might not have been right to today's society but back then it was a fair trade for slaves to fight and earn freedom.

What was the chief issue about slavery for both the North and the South?

they disagreed on slavey, freedom and the freedom of letting slaves leave the South plantation.

Did blacks fight for the south during the civil war?

Yes they were promised to get there freedom, so the slaves fought for the south.

What was the disagreement between the north and the south over states' rights?

the north and south were having the ''civil war'' a fight between freedom of slaves or keeping them. the south thought it was good to own slaves and the north thought it was wrong to have slaves.

What did being sold down south mean to slaves?

'Sold down South' or 'Sold down the river' refered to the generally more brutal treatment slaves received in Mississippi and Louisiana. The Confederate president Jefferson Davis was unusual in being a Mississippi landowner who treated his slaves so well that they didn't want their freedom.

How colud the civil war have ben avoided?

If only the South would have granted freedom to the slaves.......

What was the south like?

in the civil war in the south there waz a lot of slaves note the south is HORRIBLE MEAN AND SELFISH for having slaves and i am latin