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The slaves used either the underground railroad, or they found a crafty way to act like a free person.

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Q: What did the slaves that escaped to the north use?
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How many slaves in the north escaped on the underground railroad?

100,000 slaves escaped through the undreground railroad to freedom 50,000 slaves were reported to have escaped between 1830 and 1860.

What allowed escaped slaves in the north to be recaptured?

The Fugitive Slave Act

What law allowed escaped slaves in the north to be recaptured?

A strict sedition

What law required escaped slaves to be returned to their owners even if they escaped to the north?

The "Fugitive Slave Act" of 1854.

Did Slaves Survive when they escaped to the north?

depending on who they escaped to they usually did. if, to great misfortune, they escaped people who would report them back to their master then they would probably not

Who was happy about Fugitive Slave Law and who was not?

Slave holders were in favor of the Fugitive Slave Law as it required that slaves that escaped to the North would have to be returned to their owners. In the North the anti slavery abolitionists were against the law. They were anti slavery to begin with and wanted slaves who escaped to the North to be considered freed slaves.

What are the names slaves that ran away?

Many slaves escaped. The name of one who escaped and was recaptured is Moses Roper. There was a society who helped them to escape and they had a system called the "underground railroad" which helped lots of slaves, lead by Harriet Tubman. Another famous escaped slave was Fredrick Douglass, who escaped from the south and fled to the north to become a distinguished abolitionist.

How slaves escaped from the south to the north?

slaves escaped any way they could, most crossed the Missouri river to lose their scent from the master's dogs. Didn't you pay attention in 5th grade.

Why do some of the routes in the underground railroad point to the north?

Canada, which is north of the United States, was a good destination for escaping slaves. Canada did not return escaped slaves to their former owners.

Which northern cities were destination for escaped slaves?

Slaves escaped to Detroit, Erie, and Boston.

Who was the slave who escaped to the North?

Depends on which slave. There was Harriet Tubman, and a lot of other different slaves that escaped on the Underground Railroad. Which was not actually a railroad, it was a series of safe houses that fed, clothed, and hid slaves. No matter what the cost.

After Harriet Tubman escaped how did she make her mark in history?

After Harriet Tubman escaped, she made her mark in history by helping the slaves escape from the south to the north with the Underground RailRoad.