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Uchiha is an other way to spell "uchiwa" (団扇, fan), a fan that is usually used to make a fire more intense.

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Q: What does Uchiha in Naruto mean?
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Who is mimiko Uchiha in naruto?

I've never heard of Mimiko Uchiha But you probably mean Mikoto Uchiha which is Sasuke's mother. She isn't a naruto character mimiko uchiha is a fake.A fake make by naruto fans

Who is Rachel Uchiha on Naruto?

Rachel Uchiha Does Not Exist On Naruto.

Who is stronger Saskue Uchiha or Naruto Uzumaki?

Sasuke Uchiha

Who is Sora Uchiha?

there's no person in naruto called Sora Uchiha.

Who is Narutos enemy?

Naruto's true enemy is Madara Uchiha because Obito Uchiha is not real enemy of Naruto Uzumaki.

Who is the hottest Naruto boy?

well it's depend's on what's your type =] Sasuke Uchiha Definately Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki

What power did Itachi Uchiha give to Naruto Uzumaki?

perhaps itachi uchiha gave naruto uzumaki the power to escape the amaterazu

Is madara Uchiha alive on Naruto or Naruto shippuden?

No. Madara Uchiha is dead but will be revived in the world war by a forbidden jutsu. Tobi (the guy with the orange mask) is not Madara. It is Obito Uchiha. Check out Naruto manga 590-608.

Who is Reiko Uchiha?

She is a character from Naruto fanfiction, and is not an offical Naruto character.

Did itachi Uchiha get Naruto in the shows?

no itachi never caught naruto

Is everyone named Uchiha in naruto in sasukes family?

Uchiha is his clan name. So yes all his family were Uchiha.

What Anime are Daisuke and Shine Uchiha from?
