The North and the South began to think of each other as different sections because of the differences in economy and politics. The North was more dependent on industry and controlled most of the factories in America while the South believed that America should have stayed as a farming frontier.
The North was also very opposed to slavery as most abolitionists were from the North. The South was being controlled by Federal power which resided in the North at that time, and the South wanted to be free of that Federal power. Because of this, the South's yearning for separation of Federal power eventually turned into longing to be free of the North.
The South also did not want President Lincoln to be elected because they believed he was opposed to slavery as well. The North wanted Lincoln as president for the very same reason.
Overall, the disagreements between the North and South prior to the Civil War produced sectionalism.
cultural differences,economic differences,economic interest,ideology,and industry
Yes, California entered the Union prior to the Civil War.
It didnt? The Articles of Confederation were removed almost a century prior to the Civil War.
enemies until 1886
I think it was called "Bleeding Kansas"
Sectionalism was the term used to describe the separation of the South and the North prior to the Civil War. This separation was caused by certain issues such as slavery, but the main reason was states rights.
cultural differences,economic differences,economic interest,ideology,and industry
people identified with a particular region rather than with the nation as a whole
The rise of the Black Panthers The Watts riots
As a private citizen prior the the start of the US Civil War, George B. McClellan watched the political events surrounding the sectionalism between the North and the South. He had followed the course of the secession crisis closely and hoped that a compromise could be reached. He was not optimistic about this and the onset of the war was not a surprise to him. He was an opponent of secession.
steel, and other mannufactured goods. However most of them wernt weapons, until the civil war was taking place.
you havent stated what you wanted to do!!!
just prior to the Civil War
Who was the most Famous spokesman for Blacks prior to the Civil War?
Prior to the Civil War, the Tenth Amendment was used to support
the major crop prior to the civil war was cotton
It made a few rich, enhanced the southern economy and kept slavery alive.