9 April 1865 was a Sunday.
April 12, 1861 - April 9, 1865
April 9, 1865
The civil war lasted from 1861 to 1865. Almost Four years. Started on April 12, 1861 and ended April 9, 1865.
April 12, 1861 - April 9, 1865 were the dates of the American Civil War.
9 April 1865 was a Sunday.
April 9, 1865
Lee surrendered April 9, 1865. Lincoln was assissinated April 15, 1865.
I believe it was.
April 9, 1865
9 April, 1865.
April 12, 1861 - April 9, 1865
The American Civil War ended on April 9, 1865, and President Lincoln was shot on April 14, 1865, and died on April 15, 1865.
The civil War lasted officially from Apr. 12,1861 through April 9 1865.
April 12, 1861 - April 9, 1865
April 9, 1865
April 9, 1865