Federalism is the political system where power is shared between the national government and smaller political units. The national government and smaller units are bound together by a political covenant.
the federal government share power with d state tru seperation of power, which d state have autonomous power 2 govern d state
the government made a system of checks and balances to maintain equal power
Federalism is a political system in which power is divided and shared between a central govenment and local govenments. Today, federal governments are not in the majority. Most nations do not have federal systems of government. The United States started out as a confederate type of government, with the states having most of the power. The Constitutional Convention was called to improve the government under the Articles of Confederation but decided to scrap that system and develop a new Constitution. The result was the federal system. The national government is supreme but the states also have certain powers they share with the national government and powers exclusive to the states. Smaller city/states may have had a form of federalism but the United States was the first major power to develop that political system for itself. It has withstood the test of time.
The United States having as complex a government as it has, the people have the power through their representatives but no one holds more power than the Constitution.
where the power of the government is shared.
is power shared in government
A unitary system of government is a type of government where power is centralized. When power is shared between a central government and local governments, this is referred to as a federal system of government.
That is true. It is called dual.Dual federalism
are shared by the nation and state governmenta
This is referred to as a "dual system".
The system is called federalism, the creation of a central government to operate and coordinate shared government functions among the states.
The system is called federalism, the creation of a central government to operate and coordinate shared government functions among the states.
How is authority shared in a federal system