1944D Wheat Penny; in very fine condition is worth $0.10, uncirculated is worth $1.50.
About 1.50
It's worth about 4 cents.
1000.00 as of today
1946 D Lincoln / Wheat Ear Reverse (Wheat Penny) in very fine condition is worth $0.10, uncirculated is worth $2.00.
Average value is 3 to 10 cents.
About 1.50
It's worth about 4 cents.
The value of a 1929 D wheat penny depends upon the condition that the penny is in. A 1929 D wheat penny that is not in good condition is worth about $4.00, a 1929 D penny in pristine mint condition is worth $446.
20 bucks
1000.00 as of today
A 44d in MS-65 is $4.00
1946 D Lincoln / Wheat Ear Reverse (Wheat Penny) in very fine condition is worth $0.10, uncirculated is worth $2.00.
Average value is 3 to 10 cents.
does it have a letter under the date?? Yes, D
On average, 3 cents or so.
The 1957-D Wheat Penny is a common high mintage coin with an average value of 3 to 5 cents.
im sorry but its only worth about 50 cents...