Not that valuable. Probably 10 to 20 cents, depending on its condition, except for the extremely rare 1944 D/S (where an S was stamped over the D), which could be worth $70 to $150.
1944D Wheat Penny; in very fine condition is worth $0.10, uncirculated is worth $1.50.
Depending on condition they can run from $50-150.
what is the value of 1945d penny
It's worth about 4 cents.
On average, 3 cents or so.
Not that valuable. Probably 10 to 20 cents, depending on its condition, except for the extremely rare 1944 D/S (where an S was stamped over the D), which could be worth $70 to $150.
1944D Wheat Penny; in very fine condition is worth $0.10, uncirculated is worth $1.50.
Depending on condition they can run from $50-150.
what is the value of 1945d penny
Lincoln head 1927 D penny
Please check again and post a new question. The last U.S. 2-cent coins were minted in 1873.
Please post a new question with the coin's denomination. 1944 is generally a common year for US coins but they're all worth more than face value - anywhere from a couple of cents more for a penny to several times face value for others.
It's worth about 4 cents.
Face value only
1944 D is worth .60 cents & the 1944 S is worth.65 cents according to the coin collector's price guide by Robert Obojski
It depends on the date of the uncirculated D penny. Post new question with the correct date.