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Please check your bill again and post a new, separate question. The US didn't print any bills dated 1944. 1935 is the closest date for $1 silver certificates.

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Q: What is the value of a 1944 US 1 dollar silver certificate?
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What is the value of a 1944 US 5 dollar silver certificate?

The US didn't print any bills dated 1944. Please check again and post a new, separate question.

What is the value of 1944 silver nickel?

It's worth about a dollar, just for the silver.

Value of 1944 liberty dollar?

There is no 1944 liberty dollar. There is a 1944 liberty walking half dollar. The average value of these is about 10-12 dollars.

What is the 1944 half dollar worth?

So many were made that if it shows any wear the value is for the silver, about $10.00. Only a Mint State coin has more value.

What is the value of a 1944 silver half dollar?

The coin is a very common date " War Years" Walking Liberty half, unless it's a super high grade coin the value is just for the silver, about $10.00

What is the value of a 1944 US silver dollar?

The last US silver dollars were minted in 1935. If you turn your coin over and read the denomination on the back you'll find it's a HALF dollar. Please see the Related Question for more information.

What is the value of a Dominion of Canada five dollar War Savings Certificate issued 15 January 1944?

The value of a Dominion of Canada five dollar War Savings Certificate issued on January 15, 1944 would depend on several factors such as the condition of the certificate, any historical significance, and current market demand for such collectibles. In general, these certificates can range in value from a few dollars to potentially hundreds of dollars for rare or well-preserved examples. It is recommended to consult with a specialized collector or appraiser to determine the specific value of this particular certificate.

What is the value of a 1944 silver 50 cent piece with a lady and sun on front and eagle on back?

What you have is a "Walking Liberty" half dollar. 1944 is a common year and in average circulated condition they are worth about $12 for their silver content. If uncirculated it might be worth a bit more.

Value gold and silver 1944 walking liberty half dollar?

The gold is plating that was added later by a private company. It destroys any collector value the coin had, but as of 01/2010 it's still worth about $7-8 for its silver content.

How is a 1944 silver dollar worth?

Check that coin again. There were no US silver dollars minted that year (or decade).

What is the value of a 1944 silver certificate?

No U.S. bills are dated 1944. Please check again and post a new question. Include the letter, if any, next to the date. Don't include the serial number because it doesn't help to ID a bill.

What is the value of a 1944 D silver nickel?

Around $1.50.