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Ok, first it's not a Morgan dollar, that series of dollar coins started in 1878, with a date of 1865 the coin is a Liberty Seated dollar. For an accurate assessment of value the coin needs to be seen and graded. Assuming the coin is circulated, most coins show a lot of wear. In general retail values for low grade coins are $340.00-$450.00, better grade are $500.00-$1,000.00 and coins showing almost no wear run from $1,250.00-$2,400.00. Values are a market average and only for coins in collectible condition, coins that are bent, corroded, scratched, used as jewelery or have been cleaned have far less value if any to a collector or dealer.

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Q: What is the value of an 1865 Morgan silver dollar?
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What is the value of 1865 Morgan silver dollar minted in new Orleans?

The first Morgan was struck in 1878 and no silver dollars were struck at the New Orleans Mint in 1865. Look at the coin again and post new question.

What is the value on a1865 Washington silver dollar?

Washington has never been on a silver dollar. An 1865 U.S. silver dollar is one of the Liberty Seated series of coins.

What is a Washington 1865 siver dollar worth?

The value of an 1865 Washington silver dollar varies based upon its condition. In good or fair condition, the value averages $195. Keep in mind that these values do change nearly daily depending on the value of silver.

What is the value of a 1865 mint liberty silver dollar?

If you mean a Mint State 1865 Seated Liberty dollar coin? Retail values are $3,000.00+. If not, post new question.

What does an 1865 Morgan silver dollar look like?

There's no picture available because the coin doesn't exist. Morgan-design dollars were minted from 1878 to 1904, and in 1921. All 1865 US silver dollars carry the so-called Liberty Seated design. Please see the Related Links for more.

What is the selling price of a Morgan 1865 silver dollar?

Ok, first it's not a Morgan dollar, that series of dollar coins started in 1878, with a date of 1865 the coin is a Liberty Seated dollar. For an accurate assessment of value the coin needs to be seen and graded. Assuming the coin is circulated, retail values for low grade coins are $340.00-$450.00, better grade are $500.00-$1,000.00 and coins showing almost no wear run from $1,250.00-$2,400.00. Values are a market average and only for coins in collectible condition, coins that are bent, corroded, scratched, used as jewelery or have been cleaned have far less value if any to a collector or dealer.

Is 1865 one dollar silver coin real?

Yes, Liberty Seated dollars were struck in 1865.

How much is a 1865 us dollar silver coin worth?

In average circulated condition, a 1865 Seated Liberty dollar has retail values of $350.00-$525.00

What is the value of a 1865 Libery Trade Dollar?

No such (genuine) coin exists, the first US trade dollar was struck in 1873.

How much is a 1865 e pluribus unum one dollar coin worth?

A genuine 1865 Seated Liberty silver dollar is worth no less than $300 in worn condition, and over $2,000 in uncirculated condition.

How can you tell if silver 1865 one dollar coin real?

The best thing to do is take it to a dealer or collector for their opinion.

When was Kate Morgan born?

Kate Morgan was born in 1865.