It has a value from $25 to $12,500 depending upon the condition and the variety of the coin.
It's worth about 2 cents for the copper.
A US Large cent dated 1847 is a "Braided Hair" Liberty Head cent. Type this into your browser and click images.
Unless there is something special about it, its value is one cent.
a mill
...Only one cent. They are in common circulation.
One cent. That is it.
Value is one cent, or face value.
It's worth about 2 cents for the copper.
US or British? Post new question.
A US Large cent dated 1847 is a "Braided Hair" Liberty Head cent. Type this into your browser and click images.
Unless there is something special about it, its value is one cent.
a mill
...Only one cent. They are in common circulation.
One Cent is the value. The US has never made a silver penny. It may look like silver or have been silver plated but it has no collectible value.
The One Penny Black cost one penny. Anyone could go to the post office and buy a stamp.
It is a British Penny and a US coin cut in half and stuck to each other. It has no value.
It's still worth one cent.