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1856 3 cent coin value

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Q: What is value of us 3 cent coin?
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What is the value US of America one cent coin?

The 1945 Lincoln cent is a very common coin. Most are only 3 to 10 cents.

What is the value of an 1946 D US One Cent coin?

Around 3 cents.

What is the value US of America 1945 one cent coin.?

The 1945 Lincoln cent is a very common coin. Most are only 3 to 10 cents.

What is the value of a US 1852 3 cent coin worth?

A silver 3 cent 1852 coin in very good (VG-8) condition is worth: $50.00; in a mint state of MS-60, its value is: $200.00

What is the value of an 1859 nickel 3 cent piece?

No such (US) coin exists because the copper-nickel 3 cent piece was not minted until 1865.

What is the value of a 3 cent coin?

Three cents.

What is the value of a 1865 us 3 cent piece?

There are 2 types of 3 cent pieces dated 1865. A small (14mm) silver coin and a dime sized nickel 3 cent coin. The silver for that year is $325.00 in the low grade of G-4, the nickel 3 cent coin is $18.00 in the same grade. Which type do you have?

What is the value of a 1943 5 cent coin and a 2 cent coin 1951 from Ceylon?

The 1943 coin is about $3 at most. The 1951 coin is about $1 at most.

What is the value of a 1911 3 cent coin?

Sorry, no US three cent coins exist dated 1911. Look at it again and post new question.

What is the value of 1942 one cent wheat coin?

The 1942 Lincoln cent is a very common coin. Most are only 3 to 10 cents.

What is value of 1898 cent?

$3 to $18,000 depending upon the condition of the coin.

What is the value of a US Liberty Head 1881 three cent nickel?

Great - you have a rare Copper-Nickel 3 Cent piece - a 1881 coin in fine condition is worth: $30.00.