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King James gave him the land he had requested.... :)

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Q: What king or leader gave land in America to Lord Baltimore?
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What English King gave land in America to Lord Baltimore?

King Charles the First gave that Charter to the 2nd Lord Baltimore in 1632.

Who gave land in America to Lord Baltimore?

king James I i think :)

Why did Lord Baltimore want Maryland's act of toleration?

Fearing that Catholics might lose their rights, Lord Baltimore got the assembly to pass the Act of Toleration in 1649. It welcomed all Christians and gave adult male Christians the right to vote and hold office.

Why did lord Baltimore want Maryland's act toleration?

Fearing that Catholics might lose their rights, Lord Baltimore got the assembly to pass the Act of Toleration in 1649. It welcomed all Christians and gave adult male Christians the right to vote and hold office.

In 1632 the king of England gave Lord Baltimore 10 million acres of land. This land became Maryland. Maryland was the first?

In 1632 the King of England gave Lord Baltimore 10 million acres of land. This land became Maryland. Maryland was one of the first states to become an area that some persecuted religious could practice freedom of religion.

In 1632 the king of England gave Lord Baltimore 10 million acres of land This land became Maryland Maryland was the first?

In 1632 the King of England gave Lord Baltimore 10 million acres of land. This land became Maryland. Maryland was one of the first states to become an area that some persecuted religious could practice freedom of religion.

Who established Maryland?

Charles I gave a Charter for Maryland to Cecil Calvert the 2nd Lord Baltimore who sent his younger brother Leonard as the Governor and the first Colonists to the New World in 1634.

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The Lord God

Who was the founder of Maryland?

The Proprietor was Cecil Calvert, the 2nd Lord Baltimore. Maryland's first Governor was his younger brother Leosnard Calvert who brought the first colonists to Maryland in 1634. that is right but here is some more info. King Charles the 1st gave the colony to George Calvert. However, it was George Calvert son the 2nd Lord Baltimore or Cecil Calvert, who actually found Maryland..

Was the founder of Maryland.?

The Proprietor was Cecil Calvert, the 2nd Lord Baltimore. Maryland's first Governor was his younger brother Leosnard Calvert who brought the first colonists to Maryland in 1634. that is right but here is some more info. King Charles the 1st gave the colony to George Calvert. However, it was George Calvert son the 2nd Lord Baltimore or Cecil Calvert, who actually found Maryland..

Why did Lord Baltimore founded Maryland?

the answer is; to let catholics have religious freedom. He established a code of laws for the protection of Catholics call "Act of Toleration" which protects Catholics from being persecuted. It did not however protect Jews or Athesists. Lord Baltimore also established Maryland and gave the settlers free land if they brought women, children or servants.

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