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They used their historical knowledge of Greece, Rome, and England. They also used their own historical experience in the development of the governments of the colonies and the creation of the state governments after independence. In looking at Greece and the fate of Athens they decided against a direct democracy and preferred a republic answereable to the people. From England they took the basic structure of executive, legislative and judicial branches. From Rome they took the idea that the legislative branch should be superior and the idea that the executive should have a limited term. From England and the colonial experiences they took the idea of a bicameral legislature with one branch elected directly by the people and the other branch chosen indirectly. You can probably find other examples. Michael Montagne While Greek, Roman, and English governments did serve as a basis for our constitution, the ideas of French philosophers Diderot, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Montesquieu were also a huge influence in both the American and French revolutions. Montesquieu gaves us checks and balances and separation of government, Voltaire gave us freedom of speech, Rousseau was a proponent of social contract theory, and that crazy Diderot sparked all this animosity about church and state. I'd say the French Enlightenment had a great deal to do with our constitution. Like it or not.

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England, which was where 99 percent were from and were familiar with.

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Q: What nations ideas did the founding fathers borrow from to form the constitution?
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they can declare wars, make laws,they also have the power to borrow money when ever they feel it necessary, collect taxes, to regulate commerce with forgien nations,and regulate the value of money ,there is more of this but i was absecnet that day ya thats right im ten but you can find more about them in the united states constitution.