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the major effects were Pizza

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Q: What other major events occurred to what were the effects?
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What is the difference between foreign affairs and domestic affairs?

Foreign policy is the events that happened between other countries while domestic policy are the events that occurred within your own country during a Presidency.

What is an important event that happened in the 1930's?

More like important events because there was the great depression,the new deal bill was passed,(search the events listed in the answer)the good neighbor policy was passed,there was a new flag created,the lend-lease was signed and the pan-american union treaty was signed.These historical events should lead you to other historical events that were also major in the 30's.

How can you remember history better?

I will tell you how I do it and maybe it will work for you. I picture a time line in my head and then put important dates on my time line. These are major dates for major events such as 1789 the Constitution is signed, April 12, 1861 the civil war starts. I only put major dates and then when I want to think of events I use the dates as an anchor. I think the date and use other dates on my line to place an event. I also look for interesting little facts about events and people in history. History comes alive this way and I learn the truth in history because history is full of myths.

When you are unsure about when an event happened it is very helpful to?

Referring to or making a timeline can help you remember when an event happened, especially in relation to other similar events or other events that happened at a similar time.

What changes in land distribution occurred in the south after the civil war?

Although the Freedmen's Bureau among other events during Reconstruction attempted to give more land into the hands of blacks, these measures were generally unsuccessful. Typically, Southerners found their land worthless and abandoned it or counted their losses and eventually got it back up to its previous efficiency #catlady

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What were the events that occurred during the partition of Bengal?

The events that occurred during the partition of Bengal were the separation of the Muslims and Hindus and the establishment of factories in east Bengal. Formation of the political affiliations based on the Muslims and Hindus are the other events that occurred during the partition of Bengal.

What other events occurred in October?

a member got shot in tha face

What important events occurred during 2009?

See related link. Other people may not view the same events as important.

What is a police report?

A written summary of events that has occurred, whether it be criminal, traffic or other information.

What major events occured in 1958?

Some major events that occured in 1958 are: *Bobby Fischer, aged 14, wins the United States Chess Championship. * United States launches Explorer I (first US satellite). * USA creates National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) * US nuclear submarine, Nautilus, travels to North Pole. warning: information taken from other website

Two events have a relationship of correlation rather than causation if they?

occurred at the same time but did not influence each other.

What is a big place used for athletics and other major events?

a stadium

What important events happened on June 12 1980?

Gail Kinchen (a pregnant 16-year-old) and her unborn baby are accidentally shot dead by a police marksman who entered the Birmingham, UK, flat where her boyfriend David Pagett was holding her hostage at gunpoint. No other major events occurred on this date.

What are the major events that may occur in the lives of older people?

Some of the major events that may occur in the lives of older people include witnessing marriages of their children or births of grandchildren. Other major events may include marking anniversaries.

What 3 major events happened in banner in the sky?

One of the three major events that happened in Banner in the SKy was that Rudi lied to Winter and it caught up with him. The other two major events was Rudi was alone on Citadel and Rudi decisiion to stay and help Saxo.

What events occurred first in Pride and Prejudice?

In "Pride and Prejudice," the arrival of Mr. Bingley in Netherfield is one of the first major events, which sets the story in motion. This is followed by the Meryton ball where Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet first meet and form their initial perceptions of each other.

What happened on August 12 2002?

August 12, 2002, was a Monday. Many different events could have occurred on that day, depending on the specific context or location. Without specific information, it is not possible to provide a detailed answer.