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Q: What religion did the british force on colonists?
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Which act of parliament was passed to force the new England Colonists to buy sugar from the british west indies?

molasses act

Did Religion Bring colonists to America?

Yes, religion is what fueled them to want to convert others. Take Nigeria for example: British "colonists" were concerned with spreading Christianity among tribes of the Igbo. That is how colonists first impacted the populations they colonized- by establishing the more powerful religions at the time and converting those with what seemed to be uncivilized beliefs.

Were the colonists justified in resisting British policies after the french and Indian war?

yes the british had no right to tax the colonists

Why do you think the ideas of democracy and freedom of religion were important to the colonists?

Most of the early colonists were colonists because of religion. They were not colonists first and religionists second. They were religionists first and that resulted in their becoming colonists.

List 4 reasons why british colonists relations deteriote?

because the british got fed up with the colinest and yeah bynote from new answerer: the British DID NOT get fed up with the Colonists. The colonists got fed up with the british. Because of said reasons belowNew Answer: February 11, 20091.) Because the British kept giving taxes to the Colonists. They treated the Colonists like a "money tree". So everytime the British needed money, they just took some from the Colonists.2.) Colonists began smuggling in sugar3.) The British had the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act.STAMP ACT = every written document now had a taxSUGAR ACT = this was to stop colonists from smuggling goods (mostly and other foods)4.) Eventually, the Colonists got really pissed off.

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In order to force the British to evacuate the city.

What was New York's religion during the 1600-1700?

The British colonists came to America for religious freedom. The British government didn't like that so they claimed the colonies. The official religion of the British at the time was Christianity.

Did the declaratory act force colonists to accept British soldiers into their homes?

Actually it was the quartering act that forced the colonials to accept British soldiers in their homes.

Which of the Parliament was passed to force the new England colonists to buy sugar from the british West Indies?

molasses act

Which of act of parliament was passed to force the new England colonists to buy sugar from the British west indies?

molasses act

Which act of parliament was passed to force the new England Colonists to buy sugar from the british west indies?

molasses act

Which act of parliament was passed to force the new England colonists to buy sugar from the british to west indies?

molasses act

How did the colonists force the british government to repeal the various taxation act enacted 1764 and 1767?

They boycotted goods and services offered by the British and home-made things.

Why did the colonists fight of british?

The British were taxing the colonists without representation in Parliament.

Why were colonists angry with the British now?

What changed the colonists ideas about British later

What was the term applied by the british to the colonists?

The colonists called the British soldiers Red Coats. This is because of the uniforms they wore, which were red. The British called the colonists Yankees.

What languages were spoken by British colonists?

They spoke English.